Monday, August 31, 2009

Sunday, August 30, 2009
i love my life. can't wait to see our new addition.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009

{.. mostly b/c we went and toured the hospital that little one will be delivered at. i can tell she was a fan, she has been doing up-side-down jumping jacks all day, or it could be that she is just mad that i walked about 4000 miles around the hospitals - you know he one i work at + baylor.}
All this reminded me that in less than 2 weeks little missy will be here. I won't blame her if she fusses when she comes into this big world, it is bright and loud.
Everything in the baby room is just good to go. I need to upload current pics. One thing that I've learned through all of this is that baby products are far - far from inexpensive (ie more than $500 for 2 car seats, with a coupon .. granted they are for when she is bigger).
Monday, August 10, 2009
Every week .. err day .. I am reminded of labor and feel more and more inclined to nest.
Likely I've mentioned this, but my hubby is the best ever. Everytime I go to do something (like change the linens on the guest bedroom beds he has done it!)
Now on to week 37.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I also finished the dust ruffle for the crib, which I decided to make since the drop from the mattress to the floor was more than a traditional dust ruffle would cover. (+ it was made from an old sheet we had .. therefore FREE.)
Even more exciting: The Hntz house had some wonderful visitors this weekend!! My mom and G came. We all had a great time, especially Rowdy. .. i think he may be depressed based on him sleeping since they left.
{*preggers: once izzy comes i truly think that i will miss her all tucked in my belly dancing around. i know i will get to see her sweet face, but I'll miss my buddy.}
Thursday, August 6, 2009

: we are thrilled .. and i can only imagine the mischief that cooper and #2 will get into! january will be here in a jiffy! i keep telling little i'belle that she will be a tom boy with all these little boys running around!
[i will add that cooper can do sign language for anything!]

In other news:
*I'm slacking on the blog.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
I love how the molding, bed and dresser look!
We are waiting on the glider which will go there by the window. & still trying to decide on other pictures and a bumper .. goodness sweet {affordable} baby linens are few and far between. Everything is so bright and older girlish (vs nursery). I figure little one won't really need a bumper at the beginning. We finally found some pics that work so there is something on the wall.
on the opposite wall is a queen bed, and to the right is the desk - you can sort of see the desk chair. I know it is pretty cramped ..and turns out you can't even see the awesome picture molding :(

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