I know, such a {big} huge girl.
Pics soon, cross my heart.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
AI + UH.
San An.:
Not only is it the place that
Dyer and I got married
3 years ago
but it is memorable for
another reason,
Isabelle's first plane ride.
{of note, when i was little i would jet-set from
the city we were living
to Central TX to visit the Grandparents
sometimes for a full summer. i
would navigate the airport
by myself, no lie, at the age of
11-12 yrs old. times were different back then.
i remember thinking that i was so grown up.}
On the way there Isabelle made herself comfy in her car seat. I've heard from many mom's that the car seat on the plane (despite paying for another ticket) is well worth it. I agree. Humm, now to find someone carry said car seat all over the airport. I can pack like a champ. Honestly I brought so many toys to keep her busy + our clothes and things all in one teeny bag!
We got to my great aunt and uncles on Saturday, we had a wonderful lunch and Isabelle had a wonderful nap. After that,
we played
we ate
we slept
we got lots of hugs and kisses
we had the best time ever.
Sunday was spent at the house. I love their house. We have been visiting there for forever, as long as I can remember, likely since I was about 8 or 9 years old. I have SO many memories there I would love to win the lottery and buy their house in the future, that would. be. perfect. Sunday night little one woke up with a fever. I was prepared: thermometer + Tylenol + Motrin + saline and nose cleaner. Poor baby had developed a viral infection (the same infection that would keep us on our toes alllllll week. thank you sick day care/ airplane people). Thankfully Isabelle was still in good spirits must of the day.
Monday we went to Las Palopas, had the yummiest breakfast tacos, then we packed our things and headed out. It was so bittersweet to leave, we couldn't have asked for a better time but we couldn't wait to see Dyer and get lots of lovin from Rowdy. We loved being with family!
Until next time!..
first plane ride! SA here we come!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
travel 2 SA.
Recently Isabelle and I went on a big outing.
& by BIG I mean Huge.
We flew to San Antonio to see my aunt and uncle.
It was just as fun, relaxing, yummy-food-eating time as I had hoped for!!
The craziest part of the trip was the airport! The adventure started from 730 Saturday morning, when Isabelle and I had our flight!! We made it there in good time, then the juggling ensued. I had a stroller + car seat + bag + carry on bag.
To say that I packed light is an understatement considering we would be gone for 3 days.
{I thought I would share a pic of the cutest world traveler. More to follow of our adventure south!!}
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Hair do.
Or is it a hair don't?
Baby girl found a hair thing that she had in her hair the other day when she got home from school .. She kept trying to put it in her hair and this is what we got
This is not the first time Isa thought she was a beautician, she will always pull her hair bow out, then try to put it back in her hair (basically putting it behind her head)! So cute!!
Holy cow.
12 months already?
I can not believe it has been 12 months since little miss came and graced our lives. She is by far the sweetest, cutest, loviest thing ever.
I'm pretty sure when I am at work I think about her once every 60 seconds. No kidding.
In the last year ICH has brought a love to my heart I never thought was possible. I could never love anything more. It seems like just yesterday I was pregnant, just yesterday that she was born, went off to daycare, started cereal, crawled ...
She is the most perfect combination of Dyer and I. Dyer's looks, his funny personality, and endearing stubbornness. And she has my feet and love for chatting. I've learned so much this year, not only about being a mom, but what I am capable of (ahh. remember.. #1, loving something soo stinkin much, and how much patience I really do have.)
In this last month Isabelle has been up to a lot:
uses her baby walker to get everywhere. she like to stick her baby, sweet pea, in the holder on the front of it (as if it is a little stroller), but then just as quickly as she put her in there she likes to throw her out of it
claps when she hears, "bravo" (<-- her teachers taught her that!)
had her first ounce of whole milk and made the transition very well! she does still nurse some. i will secretly miss nursing her, but i will not secretly miss pumping every. single. day. (although all that pumping did reap a little benefit, not only to little Isa but to little babies all over via the breast milk bank. ask me if you're interested in donating.)
put more smiles on her mom and dad's face than you can shake a stick at
laughed, and laughed more than ever. she loves for you to chase her, and then attack her! (not in the scary attacking kind of way, you know the baby-playful-way.)
had grandpa Skeege visit x2. visits from Lots of family
.. another ear infection, the left this time (ear infxn #5 or 6ish)
she is standing up from the sitting position, she did it a lot about 2 weekends ago, now she will just do it from time to time. my good friend erin, a most wonderful and helpful fellow mama, mentioned that maybe isa feels that she has conquered that skill and doesn't need to show off, i would agree
visited with mr's little one, jkr. he is a hunk!
stopped biting her friends at school
got her 12 month shots. stats: 23 lbs 2 oz (75-90th), 29.5 inches (50-75th)
newbie to: smacking her lips, followed by ahh (think refreshing-drink-sound), waving bye-bye, saying "ni-ni" (night-night, which is what we call bed time), puts her arm in the air when we say "so big"
had her first birthday party
went to a birthday party
gets excited when she sees her friends in the morning at school
sleeps fairly consistently from 7-11pm,11-7am (she snacks at least once during her night, usually around 11pm)
takes 1-2 naps a day, ranging from 2-2:30 hours total
visited the arboretum
rode a dog
become very interested in playing with the iphone, she will run her finger around the front of it, just like her mama, no lie!
taken her diaper off
sitting forwards in her car seat
continues to eat about the same. no big advancements. she does this funny stevie wonder move if you continue to offer her food when she is full, hilarious.
she will take her first plane ride! just isa + me. should be interesting :)
.. a million other things that melt my heart.
12 months already?
I can not believe it has been 12 months since little miss came and graced our lives. She is by far the sweetest, cutest, loviest thing ever.
I'm pretty sure when I am at work I think about her once every 60 seconds. No kidding.
In the last year ICH has brought a love to my heart I never thought was possible. I could never love anything more. It seems like just yesterday I was pregnant, just yesterday that she was born, went off to daycare, started cereal, crawled ...
She is the most perfect combination of Dyer and I. Dyer's looks, his funny personality, and endearing stubbornness. And she has my feet and love for chatting. I've learned so much this year, not only about being a mom, but what I am capable of (ahh. remember.. #1, loving something soo stinkin much, and how much patience I really do have.)
In this last month Isabelle has been up to a lot:
uses her baby walker to get everywhere. she like to stick her baby, sweet pea, in the holder on the front of it (as if it is a little stroller), but then just as quickly as she put her in there she likes to throw her out of it
claps when she hears, "bravo" (<-- her teachers taught her that!)
had her first ounce of whole milk and made the transition very well! she does still nurse some. i will secretly miss nursing her, but i will not secretly miss pumping every. single. day. (although all that pumping did reap a little benefit, not only to little Isa but to little babies all over via the breast milk bank. ask me if you're interested in donating.)
put more smiles on her mom and dad's face than you can shake a stick at
laughed, and laughed more than ever. she loves for you to chase her, and then attack her! (not in the scary attacking kind of way, you know the baby-playful-way.)
had grandpa Skeege visit x2. visits from Lots of family
.. another ear infection, the left this time (ear infxn #5 or 6ish)
she is standing up from the sitting position, she did it a lot about 2 weekends ago, now she will just do it from time to time. my good friend erin, a most wonderful and helpful fellow mama, mentioned that maybe isa feels that she has conquered that skill and doesn't need to show off, i would agree
visited with mr's little one, jkr. he is a hunk!
stopped biting her friends at school
got her 12 month shots. stats: 23 lbs 2 oz (75-90th), 29.5 inches (50-75th)
newbie to: smacking her lips, followed by ahh (think refreshing-drink-sound), waving bye-bye, saying "ni-ni" (night-night, which is what we call bed time), puts her arm in the air when we say "so big"
had her first birthday party
went to a birthday party
gets excited when she sees her friends in the morning at school
sleeps fairly consistently from 7-11pm,11-7am (she snacks at least once during her night, usually around 11pm)
takes 1-2 naps a day, ranging from 2-2:30 hours total
visited the arboretum
rode a dog
become very interested in playing with the iphone, she will run her finger around the front of it, just like her mama, no lie!
taken her diaper off
sitting forwards in her car seat
continues to eat about the same. no big advancements. she does this funny stevie wonder move if you continue to offer her food when she is full, hilarious.
she will take her first plane ride! just isa + me. should be interesting :)
.. a million other things that melt my heart.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Biggie Ibelle is now sitting pretty facing forward!!
This is huge! Poor Isabelle, although safer, facing backwards made for some hot and sweaty days (Isabelle even has a portable fan that faced her since it was so soo hot!!).
Side note: could she be any cuter?!?
Friday, September 10, 2010
Isabelle had the best ONE year birthday ever. Everything, from the yummy cupcakes to the visit from the best family ever, was perfect. We couldn't have asked for a better, more exciting day. Thanks to everyone {grandma, garner, grammie, aunt wynne, gigi, grandpa skeege, Amy and Alex} for making the trip, we love you and can't wait to see you again.
[not gonna lie, there is a lot of pics!]
[not gonna lie, there is a lot of pics!]
Garner, me, Isabelle and Grandma. |
Grandma + Ibelle. |
Isabelle & her precious bracelet (thanks Grammie, aunt Wynne and Gigi) playing with her fun duck toy (thanks aunt amy). Eating the ducks was the best part! |
Hntz |
Isabelle riding "gog" Jack! |
Grammie and her girl! |
Aunt Amy & Grammie loving on their Isabelle. |
The birthday girl in her daddy's old rocking chair! Thanks Grammie for the precious dress!!! |
Isabelle and Uncle Garner playing |
Grandma and little missy! |
Yummy!! |
baby got.
Baby got back.
{everyone loves a little cute baby butt.}
{i assure her that it is her gdiapers that make her appear to have a lil' junk.}
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Canyoubelieveit? Isabelle is One.
more later.
In the mean time, look at this cuteness:
(never mind her 80s pony. it looked much cuter than it appears. dyer may not agree. but know that a ONE yr old with a 80s pony is so stinkin cute. also know that i never thought i would put my daughter in a bright pink tutu and a bright pink bow and a rhinestone onesie. that thinking was before i became a mom of a girl! with mom pants, just ask dyer.)
more later.
In the mean time, look at this cuteness:
(never mind her 80s pony. it looked much cuter than it appears. dyer may not agree. but know that a ONE yr old with a 80s pony is so stinkin cute. also know that i never thought i would put my daughter in a bright pink tutu and a bright pink bow and a rhinestone onesie. that thinking was before i became a mom of a girl! with mom pants, just ask dyer.)
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
364 day old.
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