Isabelle got some stickers with the egg coloring kit we bought*. She LOVES them. It was a whole sheet of teeny-tiny stickers! Think: the little PAAS brand charaters. She has had the stickers everwhere, on her arms, her forehead, her clothes, our clothes and stuck to the floor. Who knew they would be such a hit!
*Easter pt 3 post is pending me finding the pics of Ibelle and her dad coloring eggs, they are currently mia. boo.
(Erin: do you notice the night jammies and xmas bow??)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
pay = play.
Isabelle loves to pay (play!). The other day Dyer and his dad picked up some sidewalk chalk - she was all about it. Sort of. She played and colored but mostly she was more interested in opening the packages of chalk. Funny, I had used a stick to open the cellophane on the chalk and little-mini found the same tiny stick and tried to open the other chalk rows! Too cute!
One of her little friends was outside too; when we asked Isabelle to share her chalk she was less than willing! So funny to watch little ones interact!!
One of her little friends was outside too; when we asked Isabelle to share her chalk she was less than willing! So funny to watch little ones interact!!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
gymnastics and a b-day!
Last weekend Isabelle went to a birthday party for her friend Kaitlyn (Happy 4th Birthday Kaitlyn!!!). The party was so fun! It was at a gymnastics place and the kids had a blast! There was an obstacle course and trampolines. Isabelle had such a good time (and I think that she secretly felt like she was part of the big kids group!). She was so thrilled for the trampoline; she went straight to the girl that was coaching the kids and held her hands while they 'jumped' together (really Isabelle is still a little too young to understand jumping, but she loved it!). There was a fun obstacle course with all foam pit at the end. Isabelle loved all the different challenges, except the foam pit! I think that it was too hard for her to walk around in, which got her a little scared.
After the games were over all the kiddos had pizza and Capri Suns! (You can take a guess how the Capri Sun went, and if you are thinking something about her squeezing the packet and juice squirting out you'd be right!).
her sweet little slightly-pigeoned-toed feet-sies.
pizza time!! her fav is "pissa"!!
eating now:
eating one year ago:
She is really not all that interested in food. Most nights we are lucky to get some turkey lunch meat and a cheese stick in her; or a Yo Baby and a piece of bread! For the most part she is always hungry (or really, Thirsty!!, she has her words confused!) and will drink milk really well! Often times she will continue to say thirsty any time she sees any one's cup and like to drink from an open cup (vs sippy cup). She calls all crackers/pretzels/nilla wafers "cookies" and she loves craisins!
She is such a big girl and I can't wait to see what the next year brings!!
Do you need a pick me up??
when I ask her to point to her nose she does like this:
Gosh, this girl is awesome
{if i haven't already stated that a million times}
the best part about her
{other than the way she snuggles and makes my heart huge}
is the way that she lights up my day!
{ignore the stickers on her forehead and dried fruit on her cheek and crazy bow on her head.}
Friday, May 20, 2011
Moms day!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Easter pt 2.
After the family Dyer left came the family Desiree. We had the BEST time with Garner and my mom! It was the most wonderful weather!! Huge Thanks to the Easter Bunny (who took Ibelle's basket to Grandma's house!) for some very fun Easter goodies! Isabelle got some movies, playdoh, bubbles and lots of LOVE! Gma was so sweet to bring a stroller - which has been a BIG hit! (and thanks to G for going to TRU for 2 hours while Gma shopped!) We can't wait for a return visit!
her two favs going for a ride!
Quin: my CPK from when I was little.
sans clothes.
throwing the ball to G.
{or maybeee she is trying to do a fancy shot off of her head. you decide..}
{or maybeee she is trying to do a fancy shot off of her head. you decide..}
hanging out with the boys.
she seriously love garners.
{this pICH reminds me of the sweetest, cutest of tom-boys. just look at that face!!}
{this pICH reminds me of the sweetest, cutest of tom-boys. just look at that face!!}
chasing after the ball. with stroller in tow.
{side note: our grass will neverever look this green again until next yr. silly HOT weather!}
{side note: our grass will neverever look this green again until next yr. silly HOT weather!}
more soccer.
{and yes that is a isabelle being carried while her dad runs for the ball. it was his way of including her since she
was sortofkindof in the way during their game!}
{this pic just might be worth the extra 2 seconds to click on it to see her head. she looks like she may have experienced whip-lash! :( }
{this pic just might be worth the extra 2 seconds to click on it to see her head. she looks like she may have experienced whip-lash! :( }
Easter treats!
playdoh and a bucket full of eggs! so fun!
Isabelle getting a hand from gma to open her bubbles.
{do you spy a lovie??}
Would you believe there is an Easter pt 3???
EBunny is watching!
Whaaatttt I really wanted to say was, "the Easter Bunny is watching you!"
{yes that is the sweet, cute little misses throwing a temp. & that is her
sad little lovie laying all alone}
{we were playing having a good time, then meltdown ensued. if you've been around a
toddl-id you know about these random fits that come out of NOwhere!}
{all i'm saying is: Good thing she is cute.}
Easter pt 1.
Easter was perfect!! For Good Friday we had some exciting visitors!! Gigi, Grammie and Aunt Wynne made the 5-hour trip! Isabelle had SUCH a great time getting lots of loving!! She also got to stay home from school and took full advantage!! She played, colored and did all things FUN.
We were thrilled to have a few extra hands to help out with Isabelle; Dyer and I even had an opportunity to go out for a date night Cheesecake Factory and Water for Elephants! As much as we adore Ibelle and love our time with her - it was a much needed time away! We are so glad you all came and we can't wait for another visit!!!!
We were thrilled to have a few extra hands to help out with Isabelle; Dyer and I even had an opportunity to go out for a date night Cheesecake Factory and Water for Elephants! As much as we adore Ibelle and love our time with her - it was a much needed time away! We are so glad you all came and we can't wait for another visit!!!!
{I thought that these 2 pics were adorable! I couldn't choose!}
{Ibelle getting some sweet sugar before the fam left. She even got gifts!! Including this cute butterfly dress.}
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Keep meaning to include this little explanation for the lack of posts:
- ibelle has been staying up later until 7 or a little after
- working on some projects, including these:

- ibelle has been staying up later until 7 or a little after
- working on some projects, including these:
{kara, i know what your thinking.. The pinwheel shirt got messed up when I was doing the finishing touches.}
{yes, the dress is laying on an undershirt, I was trying to get some contrast.}{working on another little secret sussy too.}{& no, not a babysussy.}
- cleaning up things like this:


- tired. unable to put enough thoughts together at the end of the day for a juicy blog post.
- so i don't forget. A blog entry to-do list:
Add pics to Willie post•Garner pre-prom pics•upload all those posts from blogger that are 99% complete•pics of ibelle and her cousins•More ibelle videos (!!)•easter!
- lastly, and totally unrelated, love this. When I saw the commercial I may have just about cried and vowed I'd do this next time around with future babe #2.
- cleaning up things like this:
- tired. unable to put enough thoughts together at the end of the day for a juicy blog post.
- so i don't forget. A blog entry to-do list:
Add pics to Willie post•Garner pre-prom pics•upload all those posts from blogger that are 99% complete•pics of ibelle and her cousins•More ibelle videos (!!)•easter!
- lastly, and totally unrelated, love this. When I saw the commercial I may have just about cried and vowed I'd do this next time around with future babe #2.
... this is what happens when you are in day care and get sick/fever every few weeks; tylenol becomes a staple in the daily grind. We've been through at least 30 bottles of tylenol and motrin in the last 20 months (sad, right???!). not kidding.
I can honestly say that we never specifically told her what the medicine was called - she just started saying it earlier today when she saw the bottle. So smart & evidence that she is ALL EARS all the time!
{i get it the video is not all that impressive, you should hear her in real-life!}
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Holy cow.
She is twenty months.
{yes, 20. months.}
You are such a joy. Had someone told me pre-pregnancy how much I would love something I would have never believed them. You are perfect in every way. You are so affectionate, saying "hole-dee" (hold me) and giving hugsandkisses all the time.
You are beautiful with your blond hair and blue eyes. You smell so sweet and I could just lay with you When you are sick it is so so sad; but all the cuddling you share with your mama makes her the happiest person ever.
Your favorite things to do are to go "ou-siiiide" (outside) and "sweeng" (swing). Just the other day you went outside and you played and played and played. Your favorite outside activity is to throw mulch (yes it is not our favorite activity). You are testing your boundaries. Although you are good 99% of the time, every once in awhile you like to see what you can get away with.
You are your father's-daughter: You are picky'ish eater, but you love your milk! Your favorite foods are yogurt, spaghetti, chicken nuggets from CFA, cheese, strawberries, dried fruit (chocolate pudding!! which you could eat whenever!).
You have lots of little friends in your class - most of which have been in your class since you started as a little 3-month old!! You love your babies and love to put them "night-night" ..which means you place a blanket on them and put their backs. Like pat them hard; we have to work on that. You have used your little potty every night before bath time over the last 2.5 weeks (except twice). So very impressive. We aren't going to push any further and let you direct training.
You love your movies ("moo-bies", mosty just Barney) - we watch them on the way to school in the morning and it is mommy's only way to have some quiet. You love the Elmo Song (lalalalala..elmos song...) video. You will even do the "lala.." part! And say the word "gabby" at the end of the song. You LOVE to have your daddy run after you and tickle you!! Sometimes you like to "hide" under the table in the dinning room and while we look for you and say "where is Isabelle" you stay very.very.still until we find you!
You will repeat most words, even saying, "excuse me", "so big" and "all done". It is all very, very cute! You will also mimic my inflection in words to the T!!! (Like if I do a high-pitched "Hi" you will do it the exact.same.way.)
She is twenty months.
{yes, 20. months.}
You are such a joy. Had someone told me pre-pregnancy how much I would love something I would have never believed them. You are perfect in every way. You are so affectionate, saying "hole-dee" (hold me) and giving hugsandkisses all the time.
You are beautiful with your blond hair and blue eyes. You smell so sweet and I could just lay with you When you are sick it is so so sad; but all the cuddling you share with your mama makes her the happiest person ever.
Your favorite things to do are to go "ou-siiiide" (outside) and "sweeng" (swing). Just the other day you went outside and you played and played and played. Your favorite outside activity is to throw mulch (yes it is not our favorite activity). You are testing your boundaries. Although you are good 99% of the time, every once in awhile you like to see what you can get away with.
You are your father's-daughter: You are picky'ish eater, but you love your milk! Your favorite foods are yogurt, spaghetti, chicken nuggets from CFA, cheese, strawberries, dried fruit (chocolate pudding!! which you could eat whenever!).
You have lots of little friends in your class - most of which have been in your class since you started as a little 3-month old!! You love your babies and love to put them "night-night" ..which means you place a blanket on them and put their backs. Like pat them hard; we have to work on that. You have used your little potty every night before bath time over the last 2.5 weeks (except twice). So very impressive. We aren't going to push any further and let you direct training.
You love your movies ("moo-bies", mosty just Barney) - we watch them on the way to school in the morning and it is mommy's only way to have some quiet. You love the Elmo Song (lalalalala..elmos song...) video. You will even do the "lala.." part! And say the word "gabby" at the end of the song. You LOVE to have your daddy run after you and tickle you!! Sometimes you like to "hide" under the table in the dinning room and while we look for you and say "where is Isabelle" you stay very.very.still until we find you!
You will repeat most words, even saying, "excuse me", "so big" and "all done". It is all very, very cute! You will also mimic my inflection in words to the T!!! (Like if I do a high-pitched "Hi" you will do it the exact.same.way.)
I love it!! That is why I call you my "mini-mama"!!I can't wait to see where you are 20 months from now! and 20 years from ..nevermind, I can wait for that!! You are truly our little cutie pie and we love you like crazy!!
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