Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
.. So maybe not famous at all, but I had to relish considering I love all things D (including the magazine and the husband).
{that is the Heintz there on the left, 2nd pic from the bottom.}
Imagine my astonishment when DH & I are on the couch .. I get my brand spanking new Jan. issue of D .. as always I briefly glance through it looking at the famous people at Dallas events .. then I realize we are in a picture! I was telling Dyer that there was a caption from a museum event that we went to before noticing the pic included us.
Ok, enough with the bragging. I get it. We're not famous-famous.
{fyi: once i was quoted in the Baylor Magazine, it was something about being a student worker working at the library. amazing, i know.}
{fyii: jan. '09 is in a short few weeks. double-weird.}
Friday, December 19, 2008
I finally posted this extravaganza.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
We did a little movie watching, x-box playing, shopping, eating, jogging, I-spying, cleaning, driving, running in the rain, and starbucksing.
I miss him already.
"Bless this highly nutritious microwavable macaroni and cheese dinner and the people who sold it on sale. Amen."
name it.
Now: Swapping Lives, by Jane Green.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
So much to be grateful for everyday this year. If given the task of naming 12 things I am thankful for:
{fyi: this list is not in any particular order nor it is completely inclusive .. there is lots i am thankful for.}
1. Ability to spent time with my truelove
2. My entire caring & supportive family
3. The most adorable babies born in '08, and their patient & awesome mom's
4. My health, my friend's and family's health {this could count for all 12}
5. A job that I love to do, including the cute children I see everyday at work & wonderful girls I work with
6. The over-the-top sweet friends that have and their kind words
7. My very calm, loving, hard working, smart, sweet other half
8. The perseverance of Keara C., along with the Twilight books
9. The fact that I have made somewhat of a dent in my school loans [not so much the dent the economy has made in my 401K]
10. My beautiful home
11. Ability to be creative
12. My cell phone, which includes text messaging. HGTV and reality shows .. I know
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008

The Mr. & Mrs.

The bride and the maids: Erin (Grace's mom), Keara (Dylan & Dawson's mom), Michelle (Jackson's mom), Elizabeth (the roomie that introduced DH2), and Amy (Dyer's sister)
My mom, Garner, Dyer, and my Uncle Henry

Dyer's dad and mom
The giggly-bride
October 19th, 2008 could not have been any more perfect. So many super memories of that day, I could reflect on what each person brought to our big day .. Mostly I would just like to thank them ALL. I love my family and all that they do!
One year later and I am still giggling.
{goodness. i love that hubby-wubby of mine.}
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Stay Diego.
Dyer and I were able to attend the NASPGHAN conference in San Diego thanks to UT Southwestern and CMC's Clinical Nutrition department.
This conference had LOTS of nutritional topics {which you can only imagine made me very excited!}, as well as lots of people that Dyer was able to network with.
The days were very long and our brains were very saturated with a lotta information (don't ask me to recite anything I learned for at least a few days).
Monday, November 10, 2008
meeting place.
March 22, 2003 : First date to Chili's and to see the movie Phone Booth.
Things I remember about the initial dating phase was Dyer's birthday! (Gosh, that was a long time ago!) He was 22 years old. It came about 3 weeks after our first date, and as you can imagine the gift made for some serious over analyzing on my part! Well, I made him chocolate chip cookies .. come to find out he does not even like cookies! (Weird, I know.) The same day was Diadeloso, which is BUs day to celebrate, we celebrated.
Another funny story .. I was working in the library lobby and Dyer was working as a tutor. There was an older guy that came looking for his "tutor." Apparently when I was directing the guy I said, "Dyer, my boyfriend, is your tutor. "
I DEFINITELY don't think that I was the first to define our dating to a stranger! Dyer just thinks that is how it went. Really, the BF/GF came up when we were at Bush's Chicken. Dyer, while telling a story, says, "blah, blah your boyfriend, blah."
Then he left for med school.
more to come...
Saturday, November 8, 2008
So. We thought, why not do some remodeling in the garage. Sounds silly I know! We figured that this feat was a good intro into some potential future projects.
The garage makeover went something like this:
Dyer epoxied the floor, caulked around all of the edges (keep those dang bugs out), we painted the walls, and when all was said and done a very nice room for our cars!
Don't worry I helped, my job duties included (weren't limited to): edging and taping.
*Mary and Smurf are red and blue, respectively, Grand Cherokee twinkies. Dyer thinks that the blue one is really called "The Beast."
I apologize for the formatting, I can't seem to figure it out.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Double DHs.

ode to 1 year.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
My Blog List
4 years ago
10 years ago
12 years ago