Yep, that is our little peanut waving in there! While we were watching the sono, the baby looked to be having a dance party!
While at the MD he mentioned that I was 12 weeks exactly, which meant that he measured little peanut to be 2 days ahead of schedule {which technically doesn't mean that my due date of 9/4 changed .. but in my head it did}. Potentially Baby H could appear on 9/2. Umm, and we all know what that means! Momma may have a b-day surprise!
We were also able to schedule the level 2 sono .. which is also the same sono that can determine the baby's gender. Mark the date: April 1, which I hope doesn't include any April Fools shenanigans from Mr. MD.
Provided baby H isn't stubborn like his dad was when he was in utero, which may cause the MD to provide an educated guess on gender - a girl, but really he wasn't a girl (Dyer's mom went into shock when she delivered and what she was told was a girl was actually born a boy).
12 weeks: Baby is just over 2 inches and about the size of a lime. Baby's fingers will soon begin to open and close, and baby's mouth will make sucking movements. Intestines, which have grown so fast that they protrude into the umbilical cord, will start to move into the abdominal cavity about now, and the kidneys will begin excreting urine into baby's bladder.
1 comment:
so fun, i cant wait to see what gender baby H is!!! hope you have had a good weekend!
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