Thursday, March 26, 2009


As the bump grows there are so many things that I wonder about baby H .. but mostly I wonder, what will the gender of this little cutie be?
{let me prefice that I am completely thrilled to have a little bundle in there and want nothing more than baby to be healthly. I love peanut like crazy, no matter the gender, I just thought this would be fun!}

In general I refer to peanut as just "baby" which is pretty gender non-specific. As mentioned before we have not discussed baby names and have saved that until closer to week 20.

I've reminded baby that picture day is next Wednesday (the big sono day!) and that he/ she ought to be on their best behavior for the occassion.

I will tell you that the majority of the world is convienced that peanut is a GIRL (despite what that that votes indicate there on the side).

Both Dyer and I have our inklings.

My good friend Erin sent me a guide to fun ways to determine the gender. Of course I realize that these are old wives tales and have a lick of evidence based research to support them .. bu'tcha know, they are fun! I even got Dyer to humor me with some of them. I know that you all are dieing to see what we found out!

If it is a boy:
*17% indicating boy! I'm not sure if this is the best way to interpret this information, but whatever, it works.

If baby is a girl:
*39% indicating girl.

The Chinese Lunar calendar was too close to call in terms of when little one was produced, so it was not helpful.
and .. While researching the ring theory, I found 10 different sites reporting different ways to interpret it, is it if the ring moves in circles baby is a boy, or does it mean baby is a girl?!
Ugh. I have minimal patience for this. ;)
Either way, I hope little cutie patootie is healthy!

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