Goodness, we've had some fun visitors!!!
A few weekends ago Erin came for a visit. Not only was it a joy to have her stay - she was a wonderful help with little one!! We had an opportunity to go out for some girl time at the mall and had a super yummy lunch {which any new mom can completely appreciate}. Thanks to the other half for watching I'belle and Erin's family for watching Grace.
While Erin was here
Kristen & Abby came for a visit. I met Kristen through Erin (she and her family recently moved to Dallas). She has 2 kiddos, Ethan and Abby. Abby is exactly one week older than Isabelle - I can only imagine they will be good friends.
It was so fun to have baby girl chat and hang out!!!
Dyer's dad, Dennis, came for a visit too! Isabelle loves her Grandpa and can't wait for him to visit again!! Also, a huge thanks for helping to hang chair rail in the guest room.
Some of my friends from work have come twice to hang out with Isabelle, Dyer and I. I LOVE their visits and couldn't be more thankful. We have an opportunity to talk baby and I have a chance to stay in the loop with all the things that are going on with them. Thanks you guys!! You completely make our day!!!
{Great} Aunt Mimi will be in Dallas in a week, and Elizabeth will be here the beginning of November. Can't wait.
Aunt Erin & Isabelle

Me, Kristen and Erin

Me +
I'belle and Kristen + Abby

Isabelle & Abby
{Isabelle is either yawning .. or more likely, she is being dramatic and about to have a moment.}

Grandpa and Isabelle
Other things that are going on:
-trying to get Isabelle (IB) to sleep in her crib during the day vs. on me or in the bouncy. so maybe we haven't had much success yet.
-hoping she would sleep longer than 2 hrs at a time at night (thanks Rebecca for the pointers on decreasing IB's stimulation at nighttime feeds - it has been very helpful!)
-reading all things baby @ 6 weeks (that is right folks, we have a 6 weeker!)
-trying to keep up with laundry .. using the
Gdiapers may be better for the landfills - but not my laundry doing time (or pocket book).
-attempting to get back into jogging. i've been just twice ..
-Dyer is back at work, and likely a walking zombie (see: "sleep longer than 2 hrs at a time at night")
-IB loves her bath ..most of the time
-IB has a sweet orange pumpkin shirt, I put it on her today! Yay for her first Halloween.
-and me: wondering how we will do it once I go back to work. :) :)