Thursday, December 3, 2009


i'm trying .. but as of now, no new blog updates.

the day needs to be like 27 hrs long. that would be nice :)
{heres to a great weekend and hopefully some blogging time!}

1 comment:

Katie said...

Amen sister! I know how you feel about not having any time to blog! I am so bummed that you had to go back to work. I hope it's going well. I saw that Isabelle had her first cold. Annie had never been sick and then on her 3rd day of school, she came home with a runny nose and all 3 of us got a cold. Ugh! Her little school is still going well though. She just moved up to the big girl room. (I totally cried!)

I hope things are going well for y'all. Will you send me y'alls address? Don't worry about blogging--just enjoy that sweet baby girl! Merry Christmas!!

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