This girl is too much.
from insisting that raspberries go on her fingers
to playing with babies every waking moment - and dressing them up
to wanting to make sure she goes on a daily walk
to calling rowdy "sweet boy" or yelling, "theres is nothing out there - stop barking" just like her mama does
to wearing my flip flops All over the house or putting on my makeup
to "being a big girl" & doing things that ".. are part of being a big girl" so that she does not loose her daily treat (a airhead, or diluted lemonade, or fruit snacks)
to ensuring that she is the one to give rowdy his dog food
to talking nonstop about her family and reviewing where each of them lives
to saying that everything that happened in the past happened yesterday
to turning on the "air conditioner for CL" (which is really a fan, too cute to correct!)
to stealing CL's wipes, and diapers, and baby food (which she calls baby food "squished carrots/green beans/peas" or "baby yogurt"), and bibs, and blankets, and ....
to thinking a twist tie is a snake
to randomly recognizing a commercial for Tom Thumb and knowing that it is where she gets cupcakes from
to trying to carry CL (in a head lock and CL crying!)
to saying, "I want to kiss him" each. and. every time. we see a dog.
to doing her numbers; once she gets to 16 she will get them jumbled and say "twenty-teen"
to washing out her yogurt container in her bathroom sink
to changing her clothes alllll the time
to riding her scooter like a big kid
to the way she says, "liddle tiny baby one" in the cutest, most precious voice
to wanting to help make dinner!
to talking and talking and talking. She loves the phone and FaceTime. She moves her hands around a lot and says, "but.." a lot!
to being very persistent and strong willed!
Ohhhh how I love this age!!! & How I love this girl. She truly makes my heart smile!

(yes she has blue paint in her hair!) (silly girl.)

(scooter riding.)

(evening walk.)(beautiful girl.)

(loving on sister.)

(3rd bday cake! Ha! She took a bit out of it as soon as we finished singing!)

(her excitement with telling stories.)

(shaking up chicken for dinner.)

(sprinkler time.)

(girl loves dogs.) (ballet.)

(water play in San Antonio.)

(she is so brave!)
(Bc I just love this pICH ..& the next few ones if her when she was lil.)

Happy 3rd Birthday Isabelle! She is the cutest!! :)
Love this entry! Where did 3 years go!?! Gorgeous girl!
LOOOVE!!! Can't believe how much she does, such a big girl. And so beautiful!!!!
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