Today was little miss' first day of baby school.
Our day started with letting Isabelle sleep in, she is a fuss-pot if you wake her up .. she had some playtime then it was off to school! (Dyer took our picture, below).
I left her. I cried .. I'm sure she cried.
The day went by; it was full of bunches & bunches of emails/ texts and thoughts of my pumpkin!
and eww: bunches of pumping.
{Must mention that the wonderful girls at work made me a little photo journal of Isabelle that was sweeter-than-sweet. It is a great way to see her beautiful face during my days at work.}
Then I called school, she was "fine."
I worked my fanny off.
Finally I picked her up. She looked a little disgruntled, or a little mad, or a little unstimulated, or maybe a little sleepy. Who wouldn't be if you were in a bouncy seat, likely all day, staring at the leg of a table. My hope is that maybe it was just a fluke ..
But I was so thrilled to see my little one!
{about to leave.}
{don't mind that i have no mascara on and Ibelle has the hair.}

{about to take her in. she slept on the way there.}
Tomorrow and Friday she spends the day with dad!
On another note: Isabelle enjoys some Beyonce (therefore a fan of Glee by default), who can blame her?! When I play the put a ring on it and crazy in love music videos on Youtube, she gets her groove on and stares at the computer. Again, I have video proof.