{other TG happenings .. Dyer worked/slept, I worked, Ibelle played, we ate some yummy chilli, took a walk, relaxed.}
{about to take her in. she slept on the way there.}
Tomorrow and Friday she spends the day with dad!
_________________________________{2 little smiling cuties. I'belle + Victoria.}
{Maria-Paula + Isabelle. MP is due with girl #2 in a few short months.}
& then .. Ali dropped by for a girls night, it was so fun to catch up with her!! She is so fun and we can't wait to see her again! Ali & I went to Baylor together and she lived with Erin at one time. (Sadly I don't have any pictures.)
Thanks all for coming!!
{.. o my tree hair!}
{the gorgeous Elizabeth.}
{i love that tongue. so stinkin' cute.}
{the super cute pig that E made for Isabelle.}
Uncle Garner. (notice ICH's wearing a cupcake shirt to celebrate G's birthday!)
Grandma & Isabelle.
Daddy & Isabelle.
{I think we have the most precious of pun'kins!}