.. I thought I'd better update you all now since I start back to work soon and with the holiday you know the blog will be post-free for awhile.
She is doing all things cute. Seriously would I lie? She is so stinkin' adorable.
3 mos:
- doing more interaction with her toys - in fact tonight she was grabbing on for dear life to Ernie .. her super fun elephant with tags all over it (and a cat in its belly .. a little weird I know.)
- 2-3 hrs between feeds @ day/night (although last night she slept from 10:30 - 4:45am!!)
- smiling so so much
- cooing so so much
- melting her mom and dad's hearts so so much
- dancing to Put a ring on it and Apple bottom jeans .. um. we have video proof
- loving every second in her big girl bath tub (I would post pics/video .. but the blog is public.)
- about to embark on the biggest big girl adventure yet, baby school!
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