Saturday, June 4, 2011


Life is busy at the moment
{I type that as if that is new, ha!!}

So long little blog, we will be parting.. When the days become longer than 24 hours we will meet again.

{I couldn't resist a little pICH sussy!}

{funny, my phone has now autocorrected to "pICH" on it's own.}


Mikie said...

WHAT?!?!?!? We will need to have WAY more playdates -- I need to get my fICHs of that little sass master!

Kristen said...

Oh no, I'll be so sad to say good-bye via blogging :( But totally understand, and I'm with you on looking into finding a few more hours in the day! Just need to see you all much more often is all ;) Don't want to miss out on any cuteness from your little miss!

Jessica said...

Oh no! I'll miss reading about all the adventures of Isabelle!

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