A few weekends ago Erin came for a visit. Not only was it a joy to have her stay - she was a wonderful help with little one!! We had an opportunity to go out for some girl time at the mall and had a super yummy lunch {which any new mom can completely appreciate}. Thanks to the other half for watching I'belle and Erin's family for watching Grace.
While Erin was here Kristen & Abby came for a visit. I met Kristen through Erin (she and her family recently moved to Dallas). She has 2 kiddos, Ethan and Abby. Abby is exactly one week older than Isabelle - I can only imagine they will be good friends.
It was so fun to have baby girl chat and hang out!!!
Dyer's dad, Dennis, came for a visit too! Isabelle loves her Grandpa and can't wait for him to visit again!! Also, a huge thanks for helping to hang chair rail in the guest room.
Some of my friends from work have come twice to hang out with Isabelle, Dyer and I. I LOVE their visits and couldn't be more thankful. We have an opportunity to talk baby and I have a chance to stay in the loop with all the things that are going on with them. Thanks you guys!! You completely make our day!!!
{Great} Aunt Mimi will be in Dallas in a week, and Elizabeth will be here the beginning of November. Can't wait.
Aunt Erin & Isabelle
{Isabelle is either yawning .. or more likely, she is being dramatic and about to have a moment.}
Other things that are going on:
-trying to get Isabelle (IB) to sleep in her crib during the day vs. on me or in the bouncy. so maybe we haven't had much success yet.
-hoping she would sleep longer than 2 hrs at a time at night (thanks Rebecca for the pointers on decreasing IB's stimulation at nighttime feeds - it has been very helpful!)
-reading all things baby @ 6 weeks (that is right folks, we have a 6 weeker!)
-trying to keep up with laundry .. using the Gdiapers may be better for the landfills - but not my laundry doing time (or pocket book).
-attempting to get back into jogging. i've been just twice ..
-Dyer is back at work, and likely a walking zombie (see: "sleep longer than 2 hrs at a time at night")
-IB loves her bath ..most of the time
-IB has a sweet orange pumpkin shirt, I put it on her today! Yay for her first Halloween.
-and me: wondering how we will do it once I go back to work. :) :)
You are doing an amazing job! The sleeping will get better but like Rebecca said keep the stimulation down at night. Here is my unsolicited advice;). I would always make it very bright during day time and very dark at night/nap. Sometimes I would even feed with only a nightlight on, no talking and very little eye contact. Sounds harsh but this mama needed some sleep. It was so hard too because sometimes she would be in such a happy mood at 2am and I would get suckered into playing. And I would change her clothes immediately in the morning from PJs to daytime wear. Then at night do bath,PJs, little story, nurse/bottle, bed. Just know what an amazing mother you are! Isabelle is truly blessed!
Don't worry, it'll definitely get better at night, just keep doing what you're doing! They figure it out eventually. Erin, it sounds like you and I have the same routine at night. Giving Joe a bath before bed is great, it wears him out, relaxes him and is a big clue that it's night time.
I guess I'm just mean, I NEVER wanted to play with Joe at 2am!!! I was grumpy and wanted to get back in bed, I never talked and even got to the point where I didn't need a nightlight to change a diaper and feed him (according to Clayton I have freakish night vision).
Give Isabelle a hug for me. Remember, we've all been through this stage and we're all behind you! It's hard right now but it will get better, and in the mean time just know you're doing a great job with her!!
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