Saturday, October 2, 2010

Little miss is doing so many things these days!! Here is a little look at her getting her walk on!!
{sorry it is a little long}
{and notice that ibelle walks with only her right foot, basically going in circle}
{well, I mean, she uses her left foot too, just not all the time}


Chris.Erin.Grace.Andrew said...

Totally cute! Totally made me giggle! Totally perfect! Her little voice is so sweet! And I love listening to you and Dyer. Too cute!

Mikie said...

omg, this made me lol so much! Love the pivoting at the beginning (she's ready for b-ball), love the sound of her walking on the hard wood, love the super-speedy crawling, love the cameo by rowdy, LOVE the laughter from mom&dad! What an amazing girl she is!

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