Saturday, February 12, 2011

sNOw other.

Dallas experienced weather like sNTw other!

The week started out with ice on Tuesday, more ice Wednesday, snow Friday (6 inches!), everything thawed out Saturday, just in time for more ice with a little snow the following Wednesday.  We/Dallas could not catch a break.  I felt how people in Alaska or North Dakota must feel all. the. time.  like there was no end in sight.  With all the weather issues came school closures.  Isabelle's school was closed a total of FIVE days.  (A LOT of people have asked, do we now have a week of paid daycare in the future?, the answer is no...)

All-in-all this series of weather + no school events, ironically enough, came at just the right time.  I speak for Ibelle and myself when I say that the 2 days together were much needed to refill our energy tanks!  Normally our time at home is a whirlwind of cleaning, grocery shopping, play dates and chores at the house, it was so nice to have a whole bunch of uninterrupted, undistracted (ßif that is even a word!) time loving on my sweet girl.

The days off were not without stress; for 2 parents that both work in a hospital arranging childcare was a challenge.  Luckily we both had management that was understanding of our situation and we were each able to take a few days off, then we had someone watch Isabelle one of the days.  I am looking forward to a week of no weather issues!!

Isabelle is just old enough to realize that snow is not the norm and it is COLD!  We had a lot of fun on Friday playing in the snow!  I wish I had some pics of Rowdy; he LOVED it too!

At one point Dyer had Ibelle lay down to make a snow angel.  She was so completely over the snow & cold by that point (yes, that is crying in the picture!)..  

(huge thanks to Erin for lending Ibelle clothes.  in the stash of clothes was a thick jacket and boots!!  without those items i think we would have had a very, very cold little girl! .. even the pants were Grace's!)

1 comment:

Kristen said...

She looks so cute all bundled up!! And so fun that you two got to spend such sweet time together. But I'm with Isabelle - enough is enough!! Time for some sunny weather and REAL fun outside! I'm thinking a little playdate at the Arboretum soon???

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