There is this wonderful place where the temperature hovers around the 70-80s year around. This place, San Diego, is awesome.
Dyer and I were able to
attend the NASPGHAN conference in San Diego thanks to UT Southwestern and
CMC's Clinical Nutrition department.
This conference had LOTS of nutritional topics {which you can only imagine made me very excited!}, as well as lots of people that Dyer was able to network with.

Provided our trip to the West Coast was purely scientific and educational we had a great time. We did have an opportunity to head to the SD Zoo, where we still were able to get our
aforementioned learn on. I read that it was
thee top zoo in the US, it was
definitely more than we hoped. The zoo almost didn't happen after we did some research (thanks to David, Dyer's friend from residency) and realized that the zoo was a hefty $34/person +taxi ride. However come to find out it was so worth it.
The days were very long and our brains were very saturated with a
lotta information (don't ask me to recite anything I learned for at least a few days).
DH2, Sounds like y'all had a great time in San Diego. It's an amazing place! Can't wait to hear more details of your trip! And, I love the blog - very cute!
love the updates! you are dedicated! haha! i should have never doubted your blogging dedication! =)
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