Monday, November 1, 2010


Ibelle and rowdy were our Halloween greeters; candy-givers of sorts.

Isabelle had the funnest of Halloweens. Ibelle was a scary {& darling} spider!! Unfortunately she was sick; there was no trick or treating for our little miss.

As we were about to put her to bed (if you know her, you know if it is a second past 6-6:30 and she isn't in bed we will have a huge meltdown) kids started to come. She would get SO excited that friends were stopping by!!! Between she* and rowdy it couldn't be any cuter!!!

Halloween was so fun!! Can't wait fir next year!!

(* I know your thinking, "where is the gdiaper???". Due to her sickness it was in our best interest to use disposable. Trust me.)

1 comment:

Mikie said...

That? Is SO cute - that will be in her wedding slide show someday :)

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