Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Last week my bff, Erin, had the sweetest of little boys.
{Erin is Grace's mama.}

Andrew Christopher came in on 12/20 at 7 pounds 15 ounces & perfect!
{seriously, perfectly adorable.}

Can't wait to hold him and give him some kisses!!!
{I can't help but think of little Drew, Grace, their cousin Finley & Ibelle playing together!}


Chris.Erin.Grace.Andrew said...

You are the cutest and sweetest! I can't wait for the four of them to get together either! And Grace can't wait to show Isabelle her new baby brother :). PS all the baby dolls in our house are named Isabelle. Every single one...even the crazy baby! ha ha ha!

K. Sue said...

That is going to be quite the playdate.

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