Friday, April 13, 2012

home with two.

{this is copied from the emails i mentioned that i wrote to CL throughout my pregnancy until now.  i did try and fix it so it said CL/sister in place of "you".  apologies, if there is weird nouns placement.}

I truly think that this ride has been easier than the first go-around.
{although, we are only 2 months in & I should note that IB was somewhat whinny and challenging the first 2 weeks coupled along with having the most painfully engorged boobs.  Phew, IB would cry for no reason ..the days were very long!  I'm blessed that my hormones were fairly stable - b/c Wow, IB's behavior could have made me a mess otherwise!  Thank goodness for grammie and my very sweet hubby too!}

IB, ohhh she LOVES her sister more than anything in the world.  Honestly.  Even when she is mad at us she is sweetsweetsweet to CL. IB references herself as the big sister and can def make a stab at calming CL when she is crying! It is precious!  She is genuinely a mini-mama.  She says the same things that I say to CL to calm her, "it is ok sweet girl."  When she wakes up she is asking where CL is and wants to give her kisses at night before bed.  Very rarely does IB seem resentful of CL or seem upset at her.  I feel that this is due to Dyer and I working really hard to make IB feel involved in CL's care and continuing to give her lots of attn.  For me, I feel that my patience has exponentially increased (believe me, this has taken a lot of work too!  It is easy to take frustrations out on IB in times of chaos.) 

Oh Caroline, you are such a joy.  Sometimes you get fussy - but much calmer than IB as an infant (at least as far as I remember!!). You are waking every 2-4 hours at night and nursing well.  I don't think that you look much like IB did as a newborn (or not at all!!), you def favor the Kuras family.

2 week stats: 8 lbs 6 oz.  (IB comparison: 8 lbs 6 oz, the same!)
{i must add, this was the first outing, just me and the kiddos.  much less eventful than the 2nd outing which resulted in IB getting her finger caught in the automatic window!  Phew, that was scary!}

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