Friday, March 11, 2011


[oh-so delayed.]

Like I mentioned in a prior entry, Ibelle and I made a big trip to Austin a few weekends ago for baby Finley's shower.  Orrrr is it Kara's shower??  Either way.

Little did we know that we would have the best time ever {although I pretty much thought we would}!!  Not to mention the fun time at G'ma and Garner's on the way home!!

Kara, Erin's little sister, is {patiently} waiting for the newest arrival, Finley Sophia.  Fin is due to arrive late-April.  I urge you to go here and check out her cute belly.
.. Well I just looked annnnd no belly pic of Kara on there.  But I promise she has the cutest belly ever.

My bff, Erin, is a sweetheart & despite having a 1.5 month old {and 3 yr old!!} she didn't slow down for a second during our visit.  I def need to take some notes when it comes to baby #2 (and no I'm not pregnant).  Her family is ALWAYS so inviting and so very sweet.  Never for a minute did I worry that Isabelle was going to bother them or get in the way; it was just perfect.  We actually had an opportunity to relax A lot!

Like I mentioned before, Isabelle was not a fan of the car ride down.  At all.  Even with her Barney mo-bee going.  Luckily, that was the only bump in the road for the whole trip.  Isabelle even slept like a dream once we got there; which gave her fretting momma a break and an opportunity to enjoy the shower.  She had the best time with her bestie, Grace, and my guess is that Grace had a great time too! A huge plus, i got to snuggle with the sweetest little boy, Andrew!! Seriously he is perfect!! 

..i know you are wondering, where are pics of the mamas???  well, in true
erin&des style, we forgot to take
any.  mostly b/c it
is all about the littles these days! And actually I had to steal one of those pics up there from FB.

{p.s. thanks to a really good deal on blue bell ice cream at kroger i've been eating a bowl of the creamy-goodness every night.  note to self: get rid of ice cream.  asap.  b/c summer is only 3 months away and ibelle will want to go to the pool. ahh.}

1 comment:

Chris.Erin.Grace.Andrew said...

Too too sweet! We love having you guys here! It's our turn to make the drive next! I think I keep going so much because if I stop I just might collapse! Ha ha! Miss you guys! xoxo

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