Thursday, March 17, 2011


.. the sewing.

If you remember, soon after Isabelle made her big debut my mother and sister-in-law gave me a sewing machine for my birthday. I had HUGE plans, dreams and hopes for sewing machine projects.  I could make dresses, monogramed shirts, pillows, the list goes on. 

I know how to sew and I had a daughter.  Just imagine all the trouble I could get into!! 
Then, sadly, the sewing machine sat. and sat. and sat.
Thanks to a little help* I decided that I could redirect my focus back to the sewing machine (which hadn't even been out of the box!).  Once I got it out I had to make SOMETHING or else I would continue to put it off.

& wouldn't you know?! I made Isabelle a simple dress in the matter of a few hours!
(albeit a little form fitting and long.  I tried to create a pattern and she was sleeping so I couldn't test it on her to check the size.)

I had some yellow gingham, that my sweet grandma recently sent to me, and some left over pink fabic from pillows I made for Isabelle's room before she was born. Perfect little Easter-time dress!

Growing up my grandma sewed a lot.  Everything, from clothes to blankets.  She any my aunt Michelle even made Michelle's prom dress!!  I know, impressive.

I can not wait to make more things.  I hope to soon take a trip to the fabric store and load up!

Here she is in her sweet little dress:

i get it.  they are all of her sweet face.  honestly, the face is far
more precious than the dress ;)
*I'm obsessed with a little present from dyer. It helps me keep my sanity & most importantly, enjoy the things that I love (including my sweet isabelle, dyer and rowdy.  and blog and sewing and relaxing and reality show watching.)

1 comment:

Mikie said...

YOU MADE THIS DRESS?!?!!?? AND made your own pattern??!?!?! Holy Cow, you are T.alented!! I am mucho impressed-o. Isa is one lucky baby girl to have such a talented mama!

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